Monday 9 January 2012

Ramen(Japanese Noodle with soup)

Ramen is originated from China.  In Chinese restaurants, there are many kind of noodle dishes.  Ramen is created by Japanese and I believe most Japanese people like Ramen.  Ramen is very popular in Japan and you can find so many kind of Ramen shops and tastes everywhere in Japan.

We can find a lot of Ramen shops in Singapore.  Now a days, it's much more Ramen shops than a few years ago.  I can name some good Ramen shops in here, but my family like to eat at home.  I can buy Ramen noodle at a Japanese super market so what I have to do is boiling noodle and soup.  It's not so difficult, but I have to make one by one and serve.  I personally like al dente so as I am the one who is cooking and busy in the kitchen, it's almost impossible to get al dente ramen for myself after I serve my family so I prefer to go to the shop to eat delicious one:)

One of my favourite Ramen shop is "Santoka".  It's from Hokkaido.

Ramen Santoka
6 Eu Tong Sen Street
#02-76 The Central
Tel: 6224-0668

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