Tuesday 7 June 2011

Hiyayakko (cold tofu)

Hiyayakko is a popular Japanese dish made with chilled tofu with toppings.  There are 2 kinds of tofu used in Hiyayakko, silken and cotton. Silken tofu is much more smooth and it is the best for Hiyayakko.
People in Japan usually eat in the summer as it is a very cold dish.  As I am in Singapore, I make quite often, but the tofu must be very fresh so I only make when I have a chance to get really fresh handmade tofu at a Japanese super market.

The topping of this photo is chopped Zaasai (Chinese vegetable, but you can find bottled one in a supermarket), chopped spring onion and sesame oil and a drop of soy sauce.  This is great appetizer in a hot summer day!

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