Tuesday 5 July 2011

Zakkokumai (Mixed grains rice)

Zakkokumai has become increasingly popular in Japan recently. Zakkoku just means “mixed grains”, and mai is rice.
Zakkoku is sold in convenient packets at a Japanese super market or Japanese section at a local market.   Each pack is meant to be used for 2 to 3 cups (rice cooker cups) of white rice. You simply throw in the contents after you’ve washed the white rice and put in the water for cooking.  It has black beans (kuromame), azuki beans, mung beans, pressed barley, black rice (kokumai), another kind of millet (mochikibi), yet another kind of millet (mochi hie) and amaranth. It colors the rice when cooked a slight reddish-purple.

You can eat as it is or with curry or gravy are great. I ate with a topping which contains, Zasai, Dried prawn, Spring Onion, Myoga and a soy sauce. 

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